PhD Program in Microbial Symbioses (MAINTAIN)
Verónica Barrajón-Santos successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "In the tree farm of Azteca ants" on December 13, 2024.
Michael Predl successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Prediction of cross-feeding interactions in microbial communities using metabolic...
We co-organized the annual AMICI Symposium taking place on June 17th at the Veterinary University Vienna.
Tobias Viehböck successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "From bacterial symbiont physiology to symbiont chromosome organization" on June 20,...
Marta Sudo successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Host-microbe-environment interactions in sulphur-oxidising symbioses" on February 15, 2024.
Patrick Arthofer successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Interactions of giant viruses with their hosts and symbiotic bacteria" on October 13,...