Aim: Characterization of natural chlamydial communities.
Based on the assumptions that (i) Chlamydiae are ubiquitous in nature, but their abundance and community composition differ between habitats and are affected by seasonal shifts and host dynamics, and (ii) The impact of chlamydiae on their protist hosts alters grazing behavior and thus contributes to shaping natural microbial communities and ecosystem functioning.
In addition, selected novel environmental chlamydiae will be investigated to provide a more comprehensive overview over variations of chlamydial biology and the evolution of the host-associated lifestyle.
Approach: Natural chlamydial communities from diverse environments will be investigated by combining a novel targeted amplicon sequencing assay, single cell and metagenomics, and isotope probing experiments with protist isolation approaches and microcosm experiments.
Relevance: The project will reveal the first comprehensive insights into chlamydial community structure and dynamics in nature. For the first time, the effect of chlamydiae on microbial food webs, community composition, and general microbial growth rate and mineralization will be determined. The recovery of novel chlamydiae and state-of-the-art single cell genomics will expand the knowledge about chlamydial biology, genome flexibility, and evolution.
Student: Angelika Schwarzhans
Faculty: Astrid Collingro (PI), Matthias Horn
Funding: FWF stand-alone project FunChlam