Student: Tobias Viehböck
Faculty: Silvia Bulgheresi (PI), Thomas Rattei, Monika Bright
Funding: FWF project MAINTAIN
Selected Publications:
Asgari, S. Epigenetic modifications underlying symbiont-host interactions. Adv. Genet. 86, 253–276 (2014).
Bulgheresi, S. All the microbiology nematodes can teach us. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 92, (2016).
Harris, J. F., Micheva-Viteva, S., Li, N. & Hong-Geller, E. Small RNA-mediated regulation of host-pathogen interactions. Virulence 4, 785–795 (2013).
Buxbaum, A. R., Haimovich, G. & Singer, R. H. In the right place at the right time: visualizing and understanding mRNA localization. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 16, 95–109 (2015).
Coelho, R. G., Fortunato, R. S. & Carvalho, D. P. Metabolic Reprogramming in Thyroid Carcinoma. Front. Oncol. 8, 82 (2018).
Wallace, N., Zani, A., Abrams, E. & Sun, Y. The Impact of Oxygen on Bacterial Enteric Pathogens. Adv. Appl. Microbiol. 95, 179–204 (2016).