Aim: To isolate new giant viruses their amoebae host as well symbiotic bacteria associated with the host. In addition to well-mastered model systems, also exotic hosts will be used for giant virus isolation. Subsequently, the replication cycles and the genomic features of the isolated giant viruses will be studied. Furthermore, interactions of giant viruses and their hosts, as well as symbiotic bacteria, will be investigated.
Approach: Giant viruses, amoebae and amoeba symbionts will be isolated from different environments. Subsequently, the replication/life cycles and interactions of the isolated organisms will be studied with Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), Electron microscopy (EM) and quantitative PCR. Additionally, the genomes of giant viruses will be sequenced and phylogenetic analysis and genome comparisons will be performed.
Relevance: This project will improve our knowledge on the diversity of giant viruses and their hosts. Furthermore, it will help to understand the enigmatic evolution of giant viruses by investigating different interactions of giant viruses with their host as well as symbiotic bacteria of the host.
Student: Patrick Arthofer
Faculty: Matthias Horn (PI)
Funding: Universität Wien
Selected publications:
Boyer, M., Yutin, N., Pagnier, I., Barrassi, L., Fournous, G., Espinosa, L., … Raoult, D. (2009). Giant Marseillevirus highlights the role of amoebae as a melting pot in emergence of chimeric microorganisms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(51), 21848–21853.
Filée, J. (2015). Genomic comparison of closely related Giant Viruses supports an accordion-like model of evolution. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6(MAY), 1–13.
Boyer et al., (2011) Mimivirus shows dramatic genome reduction after intraamoebal culture. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(41), 17234–17234.
Li, Y., Hingamp, P., Watai, H., Endo, H., Yoshida, T., & Ogata, H. (2018). Degenerate PCR primers to reveal the diversity of giant viruses in coastal waters. Viruses, 10(9), 1–16.
Mueller, L., Bertelli, C., Pillonel, T., Salamin, N., & Greub, G. (2017). One year genome evolution of lausannevirus in allopatric versus sympatric conditions. Genome Biology and Evolution, 9(6), 1432–1449.