Keystone Species Of The Human Gut Microbiome


The composition of the human gut microbiome is characterized by substantial inter-individual variability. Despite this individuality we still observe highly prevalent microbial species and a fairly similar functional potential. Keystone species are thought to disproportionately influence the overall microbial community and therefore offer a useful target for precise interventions to shift a dysbiotic gut microbiome towards a more desirable state.

Aim: This project aims to identify keystone species of the human gut microbiome, their functional niche and versatility.

Approach: We identify putative keystone species by analyzing publicly available metagenome and metatranscriptome datasets. Specifically, we assess topological features of correlation networks and functional profiles of microbial species in the human gut. We then use these characteristics to estimate each species potential for acting as a keystone species.

StudentFranziska Bauchinger

Faculty: David Berry (PI)

Funding: European Research Council