Aims: (1) to characterize the species diversity in fungal patches with special focus on the fungi and nematode community; (2) to obtain sequence information of genes expressed by bacteria/archaea, fungi, and nematodes to get further insights into the functional role of fungal patches.
Approach: The patch-specific communities will be investigated via culture-independent approaches and compared with the community on the host plant and in the soil. Fungi will be identified with sequencing of ITS region and nematodes with sequencing of the 18S rRNA genes. Untargeted metatranscriptome (including metagenome) sequencing will be performed to retrieve genomic information of microbial patch community members.
Relevance: There is growing awareness that multicellular organisms are influenced by symbioses with smaller, often microbial partners that contribute to their nutrition, protection and development. We are beginning to explore the diversity and function of the microbial community and nematodes in associations between plants and inhabiting ants with respect to the stability of ant-plant symbioses.
Student: Verónica Barrajón-Santos
Faculty: Dagmar Woebken, Andreas Richter, Veronika Mayer
Funding: FWF project P31990-B