Secondments and Transferable Skills Program


All of our faculty have extensive networks of international collaborations, which our students will profit from through interactions such as short-term research stays. An important component of the school’s program is that each student is encouraged and supported to undertake at least one research stay of at least one month in the lab of a foreign collaborator. This research stay serves two purposes: Results obtained during this stay will directly contribute to the progress and success of the students’ research activities. In addition, it allows the students to get to know other institutions and labs, to learn new methods, and to further improve their professional network. As research visits generally lead to increased travel costs, the school offers financial support for research visits in the context of PhD projects.

Transferable Skills Program

The University of Vienna provides hands-on training in self- and project management through the structured entry phase, written project proposals and regular reporting. Our students have full access to the transferable skills program of the University of Vienna, which offers more than 40 courses on a range of topics from scientific presentation and writing, to career planning and funding opportunities for young scientists. Courses are available in English and German. Participation contributes to the ECTS points required to complete the doctorate.

To particularly encourage female students to continue on to a career in science, the Women In
Biology Group of the University of Vienna has established Female Role Model Seminars. In these seminars, outstanding female researchers give a seminar outlining their career path and providing unique insights into the challenges they’ve faced and the strategies that played a role in their career success.