Seminars and Symposia


The FWF-funded MAINTAIN project in the context of the PhD program Microbial Symbioses will start with a ‘Kick-off symposium’ in Spring 2020. In the last year of their PhD, the students will organize an interdisciplinary symposium focussed on host-microbe interactions. Students will contribute to all aspects of the symposia, including the program and choice of invited speakers

"Let's Talk About Symbiosis" Seminar

The regular events of the Research Focus ‘Symbiosis’ offer ideal opportunities for students in the MAINTAIN doctoral program for interacting with peers and experienced researchers. The ‘Let’s talk about symbiosis’ seminar brings together master’s and PhD students, postdocs, and scientists at the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna and provides an informal environment to present own research and to meet and discuss with experts from related disciplines. 2 ECTS can be awarded once for every PhD student for consistent participation and (at least) one-time presentation of their own research in the LTAS seminar series.

Young Amici Symposium

The Young AMICI Symposium is part of the Austrian Microbiome Initiative (AMICI). It is organized by and mainly intended for PhD students and early career researchers and focuses on environmental and host-associated microbiome research. So apart from providing a platform for PhD students to showcase their research, it also allows them to get involved and actively shape the symposium.

Annual Retreats and Conferences

Annual retreats of all students and faculty will help to foster collaboration and exchange.
In addition, students participate in one to two international conferences per year.